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Print soft signage with new durable textiles for HP Latex

HP_RaúlVílchez 3rd of April 2019

HP Latex Printers are compatible with a range of textiles such as polyesters and natural fiber blends. HP Latex prints are odorless and due to the flexibility of HP Latex ink, the hand of the un-printed material is maintained even after it has been printed on. This document provides tips and tricks for getting the best results from HP Latex printers when printing on textiles.

This document provides information about:

  • Textile brands, references, types, classifications and their main applications within the scope of Soft Signage.
  • A list of textiles that have been tested and proven to deliver good or very good dry-rub and scratch resistant performance.
  • The information and resources offered for each material from the list, including:
    • If the substrate requires use with an ink collector accessory or not.
    • The recommended media presets for each printer, assuring the end-user will achieve the best results with each material (speed, amount of ink and other additional settings).
    • Options for end-users to find media presets and information previously described.
  • Key end-user requirements for improved performance and/or durability and procedures used to verify image resistance, test results and thresholds.
  • Information about media vendors, distribution and availability.

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