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Discontinued support for Microsoft Windows 7 Embedded

HP-Dan 5th of March 2020

What do you need to know about the end of support for Windows 7 Embedded SP1 (October 13, 2020) and how to keep working with the HP Latex printers?

The following HP Latex printers use Windows 7 Embedded:

  • HP Latex 1500 Printer series.

  • HP Latex 3000 Printer series

  • HP Latex 3100 Printer series

  • HP Latex 3200 Printer series

  • HP Latex 3500 Printer series

  • HP Latex 3600 Printer series

  • HP Latex 3800 Printer series

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Printers related to this article

HP Latex 3x00 and 1500 Printer Series

For these printers, which use the Windows 7 Embedded operating system, the OS will continue to receive security updates until October 2020. No further action is required.

When support ends, and Microsoft no longer provides updates for Windows 7 Embedded, the operating system might become more vulnerable to security risks. However, there will not be any effect on the normal operation of your HP Latex printer.

HP support for the HP Latex printers listed above will remain unchanged after Microsoft’s end-of-support dates.

Frequently asked questions

  • What should you do with installed printers that currently use Windows 7 Embedded?

The printers listed will still be fully functional with Windows 7 Embedded. There is no system-related necessity to upgrade to Windows 10.

  • Will new Printer FW versions be released for Windows 7 Embedded too?

Future FW releases will support both OS (Windows 7 Embedded and Windows 10 LTSB).

  • What if you would like to upgrade to Windows 10?

The Windows 10 LTSB license is embedded in the PC, so to upgrade the printer to Windows 10 LTSB a new IPS PC needs to be purchased and installed by the client.

  • Will new HP printers be sold with Windows 10 LTSB?

Yes. New hardware manufactured from spring 2020 will come with Windows 10 LTSB installed.

  • Are there limitations if printers continue using Windows 7 Embedded?

 The main limitation will be new Microsoft security updates, since from October 13, 2020 onwards, they may not be provided for Windows 7 Embedded.

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