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Firmware STORM_00_10_00_13 is available for HP Latex 500 Printer Series

HP-Sonia 23rd of October 2019

HP Latex 500 Printer Series’ (560/570) latest firmware version is now available to download and install. This firmware includes significant new features and fixes.

HP strongly recommends firmware STORM_00_10_00.13 for all units as it includes significant improvements.

Where to find firmware STORM_00_10_00.13?

Find your product -> Select your OS -> Download the *.fmw file -> Install it via USB or EWS.
Printer -> Check Updates -> Check Now.

Summary of changes
Here are the improvements achieved with the firmware version STORM_00_10_00.13:

  1. Compatibility with the Configuration Center application
  2. Improvements to reduce the System Errors 19.21:10 and 19:22:10 in specific scenarios.
  3. Support to Energy Star 3.0 requirements
  4. Minor internal changes to improve the printer’s functionality
  5. Possibility to downgrade to previous version

Compatibility with the Configuration Centre application
Changes: Possibility to set up the printer and manage the substrates configuration using the Configuration Centre.
Details: For more information about the NEW Configuration Center application, please see:

Improvement to reduce the System Errors 19:21:10 and 19:22:10 in specific scenarios
Changes: This firmware reduces SEs 19.21:10 or 19.22:10 (only if they are not causing unexpected loss of functionality).

In some cases, SEs 19.21:10 or 19.22:10 were triggered due to some interferences on the voltage line.
This could happen in some specific environments where customers were running big machines beside the printer.

Support to Energy Star 3.0 requirements
With this firmware upgrade the printers are fully Energy Star 3.0 compliant.
Details: The maximum time to sleep can be now set is 1 hour.

Minor internal changes to improve the printer’s functionality
Possibility to downgrade to previous version
Downgrading to previous version is possible.

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