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Firmware STORM_00_11_07.2 is available for HP Latex 500 Printer Series

HP-ALBA 24th of February 2020

A new firmware version is now available to download and install for the HP Latex 5x0 Printer series (560/570). This firmware includes a range of new features and fixes. HP strongly recommends installing firmware version STORM_00_11_07.2 for all units as it includes significant improvements.

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Printers related to this article: HP Latex 5x0 Printer Series

Where to find firmware STORM_00_11_07.2


Find your product -> Select your OS -> Download the *.fmw file -> Install it via USB or EWS.


Printer -> Check Updates -> Check Now.

Summary of changes

Here are the improvements achieved with the firmware version STORM_00_11_07.2:

1. Improvements and fixes for the 3L supplies subsystem.

2. A new front-panel option to enable/disable the OMAS in the Modify Substrate screen.

3. Addition of a new OMS (media profile) “Generic Self-Adhesive Vinyl optimized for small text”.

4. A new message appears in the Substrate Library when there is no connection.

5. Configuration Center now reports color calibration more often.

6. PrintOS Mobile now reports the Ready status correctly when the printer awakes from sleep.

7. A fix for Internal Plot Accounting.

8. Other minor bug fixes.

9. Downgrading to the previous version is permitted.

Improvements for the 3L supplies


With this firmware upgrade there are some Improvements and fixes for the 3L supplies subsystem.


This version includes improvements to minimize system errors related to the refilling process, such as SE 47.3x and 47.9x, when the hardware is not the cause. Also implemented are changes to avoid, in certain specific scenarios, cartridges declared as “Out of Ink” when they still contain ink.

A new front-panel option to enable/disable the OMAS


This firmware upgrade introduces a new front-panel option to enable/disable the OMAS in the Modify Substrate screen.


This new option enables the operator to set the OMAS ON/OFF for a specific media type. All print modes within the media profile will be affected by this setting. It is recommended to load the substrate after disabling the OMAS and to synch the RIP settings to ensure the new configuration is properly applied.

New OMS (media profile)


Addition of a new OMS (media profile) “Generic Self-Adhesive Vinyl optimized for small text


A new profile has been added in the SAV family which optimizes the sharpness of small text, this new profile contains a single print mode at 10 passes, CMYK cm and 110 Ink.
IMPORTANT: Be aware that the final throughput is highly affected. HP recommends using this print mode for applications that require sharper details, such as stickers with small fonts.

New message appears in the Substrate Library


A warning message now appears on the front panel when substrates cannot be found or downloaded due to connectivity issues

Configuration Center now reports color calibration more often


Configuration Center now has a reduced refresh time for reporting completion of color calibration

PrintOS Mobile now reports the Ready status correctly when the printer awakes from sleep


With the previous firmware release, PrintOS Mobile was not able to see the “real” status of the printer when awaking from sleep. Now, as soon as the printer is in READY status, the Mobile option shows it correctly.

A fix for Internal Plot Accounting.


Now all calibrations and internal plots are correctly reported in the Accounting tool.

Minor internal changes to improve the printer’s functionality

Possibility to downgrade to previous version


Downgrading to previous version is possible.

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