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How to clean samples for the HP Latex R Series Printer

HP-Marta Blanch Pinol 14th of August 2019

The R-Series printers can print on a wide range of media. Each media coating will have an impact on the ink adhesion of the printed sample. With some media, adhesion might be affected when cleaning the prints with chemical products. Here are some recommendations and best practices for cleaning resistance:

  • HP recommends manual soft cleaning without putting excessive pressure on the sample. It is recommended to use soap and water (in low concentrations) for cleaning purposes, instead of IPA or severe cleaning chemicals. With some plastics, the recommendation might be more restricted to rubbing only with water, without soap.
  • It is recommended to wait 24 hours after durability testing before cleaning the print. Full durability performance is achieved several hours after printing.
  • It is also recommended to not apply the cleaning product directly to the ink, but to use a cloth.
  • Some printer system knobs can also help to improve the adhesion of ink on the media. The following media settings can be modified in the Media preset:
    • Increase OC amount
    • Increase number of passes
    • Increasing curing temperature
    • Decrease curing distance

 Increase interpass delay

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