The Internal Print Server includes the option of aligning the jobs to the right, left and centre of the substrate.
IMPORTANT: Supported for rigid materials only.
If image and substrate sizes are the same and the substrate is well cut (squared), both sides A and B can be referenced against the same lateral bar and use central alignment for double-sided printing.
For better registration when the substrate’s edges are not perfectly perpendicular, the sheet could be aligned against one lateral bar for printing side A and against the opposite bar for side B. Then, the job should be aligned left when printing side A and aligned right when printing side B.
Load and print side A:
- Place the substrate on the substrate-advance belt, and align it against the front alignment bar, then against the left (SVS side) or right (IDS side) lateral bar, and then tap the Substrate ready button to load the material.
- Add the job you want to print to the job queue and align it to the left using the new Internal Print Server feature.
- Print the job.
Load and print side B:
- Load the substrate on the opposite side (SVS or IDS) to the one used for side A.
- Add the job you want to print to the job queue and align it to the right using the new Internal Print Server feature.
- Print the job.
When printing on both sides of the substrate, some marks may appear on side A while printing side B, as the ink on the side A, crosses the print and curing zone for a second time, causing the ink to heat up and stick to the belt.
This issue is specific to certain materials such as Aluminum Composite Panel, Plastic Corrugated, and Plastic Foam Board. The current workaround to avoid these marks on heavy materials, such as ACP, consists of putting a PVC foam under the substrate when printing the second side of the sheet.
For thin materials, the workaround proposed is putting a Holey Linoleum sheet under the substrate.