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HP Latex 820/850 Printer Tips & Tricks: Vertical banding

HP-MarcM 10th of April 2014

4. HP_Latex_3000series_Banner.jpg

This document provides tips and tricks for getting the best results when having vertical banding in printed area fills Latex 800 Series Printers. This issue is mostly caused because the substrate is not flat or because of wrinkles on the substrate.

Substrate is not flat:

If the substrate does not lie flat when it comes out of the printer, but has shallow waves in it, you are likely to see defects in the printed image, such as vertical stripes. This can happen when you use thin substrate that becomes saturated with ink, it can also be caused by the combination of heat and vacuum pressure that is applied to the substrate.

Wrinkles in the substrate:

Wrinkles in the substrate indicate that the substrate settings that control the substrate shape are not optimized. This can cause various printing defects such as colored bands in area fills in the vicinity of the wrinkles.

Vertical Banding in the same color (gray, brown, green):

For more specific types of vertical banding in printed area fills refer to the following troubleshooting. A small amount of vertical banding (like waves) can be seen, with a frequency equal to or higher than 2.6cm (1”), up to approximately 5-10cm (2”-4”) when printing a few specific large area fills of the same color (gray, brown, green)

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