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HP Latex Rx000 Printer Series Whitelist activation processes

HP-ALBA 30th of January 2020

A whitelist is an exclusive list of acceptable entities (in this case domains) that are allowed to be accessed in our network from the specified machines. Connections outside of this whitelist will be blocked.

How to configure a whitelist on the modem/router:

1. Access the modem/router by typing the IP into the browser address bar.

2. Login to the modem/router using your personal username and password.

3. Enter Advanced settings.

4. Look for “URL/Domain filter”, “Web filter”, “Parental Control”, “Access Control”, “Block Sites”, or similar.

5. Include the desired URLs/domains to allow printer connection:

a. Basic whitelist for R series printers provided by HP representatives.

b. Any further URLs to which you want to grant access.

6. Save the whitelist.

How to discriminate access between different machines:

1. Access the modem/router by typing the IP into the browser address bar.

2. Login to the modem/router using your personal username and password.

3. Enter Advanced settings.

4. Look for “Parental Controls”, “Access Control”, or something similar.

5. Click on “Add policy”, “Add rule”, or similar.

6. Introduce the IP/MAC address that you want to restrict inside the same network.

7. Select to apply “Web filter”, “URL filter” or similar.

Proposed whitelist for R series printers:





NOTE: Please keep in mind that this is a live list and may have some future modifications.

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