HP Learn is the educational platform within PrintOS. It contains everything you will need to learn about your printer in one convenient hub, including:
- Easy to digest lessons focused on a wide variety of topics from applications to color management.
- Training modules specific to the customer’s printers.
- HP certifications in various skills that can be obtained by following the available lesson plans.
In today’s post, we will be talking about the courses designed to provide the user with the necessary knowledge to get the most out of the HP PageWide XL Pro 5200 MFP and HP PageWide XL Pro 8200 MFP.
The basic certification introduces the printer, its parts, and its specifications, and illustrates the main operations that can be performed, offering instructions and videos to walk you through them.
The advanced certification focuses on adjusting and optimizing relevant aspects of the printing process such as costs, productivity, and image quality.
Here are the links to the courses (English version):
- HP PageWide XL Pro 5200 & 8200 MFP – Introduction Training (Basic)
- HP PageWide XL Pro 5200 & 8200 MFP – Main Tasks (Basic)
- HP PageWide XL Pro 5200 & 8200 MFP – Image Quality (Advanced)
- HP PageWide XL Pro 5200 & 8200 MFP – Cost and Production Optimization (Advanced)
We hope you enjoy it!