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SAi Flexi Subscription trial available for free

HP_Magda 15th of June 2020

SAi, the Platinum HP Partner and in-the-box RIP for HP Latex 100 and 300 series Printers is offering now a 7-days free trial of SAi Flexi subscription RIP for those who want to learn how powerful is this edition. SAi Flexi Subscription is a full-functionality RIP that is sold based on a subscription model and has enabled all feature packages of SAi RIP and can run up to 5 printers simultaneously.

The customer needs to follow the “add to cart process” and choose the free trial option. The trial is valid for 7 days and if the customer is not a subscriber by this time, the trial period will end, and the license will stop to work.

The offer is valid for all customers and can be accessed through

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