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Best Flex Face for Latex Printers?

#1 jspelman 9 years ago

Anyone using flex face material on their HP Latex printer? (I have a L25500) What works best? Have you tried 3M panagraphics III?

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi jspelman, we've done some test with this media in our lab. It works perfectly for the HP Latex 300 Printer seines, but although is compatible with the HP Latex 200 Printer series, you can experience some wrinkle or media jam problems.

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#3 jspelman 9 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I'm wondering how bad the challenges are. I have a job requiring this material and wondering if I should jump into this with my 200 serries printer??

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#4 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

I will recommend you to run some test before just to make sure you do not experience any of the problems I've mentioned before. I've been looking for some backlits that have been tested for the HP Designjet L25500 Printer, here you have the list: -Endutex Back EX -Halead HF1010B -Starflex NSP18 -Taya S-LX 120610P -Verseidag Seemee Backlit Standard Easy This medias were tested and proved to work great with the HP Designjet L25500 Printer.

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#5 Myles45 7 years ago

Hi, Do you by any chance have a similar list of suitable front lit media for the 26500?

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#6 Myles45 7 years ago

Hi Sonia, Thanks so much for that. I didn't know of the media locator & have had a look now. It will be a very useful reference in future. Thanks for your help.

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