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HP PVC-free wallpaper on pressed wood

#1 njcatto 10 years ago

Hi all, I hope someone can assist...has anyone had any experience of applying HP PVC-free wallpaper to a pressed wood surface? And would a layer or two of primer improve the overall adhesion process and prevent potential water damage to the wood? Solved! Go to Solution.

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

We haven't tried this before. In our technical team´s opinion it should probably work. It is important cleaning & using maybe 1 or 2 coats of non-solvent primer to prep the surface. It might work because… Like a gypsum board wall, the wood is porous (similar morphology) If the board is pressed and SMOOTH, this will have higher chance of success (but PVC-free WP can be installed on light textured walls too) We have installed samples over non-porous surfaces as well, like metal, with good results For full proof results, we will better to ask the you to run a small test if possible.

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#3 njcatto 9 years ago

Thanks for the response. The client ended up coating it with a layer of primer and that seems to be more than adequate for adhesion.

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