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Issues with fabric printing on 800W

#1 gui12774 2 years ago

Hi there, is there a way to minimise or control the pressure of the top rollers?They’re marking the fabric. Also what’s the best setup to make sure the fabric won’t lift from the printing bed? Increasing the vacuum seems to escalate the marks and it doesn’t really work keeping the fabric flat. The head striking is frustrating… thanks!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @gui12774, Based on the limited information you have provided, here are some possible troubleshooting ideas: You mentioned the media used is fabric = textile media. As far as we know, stretchable textiles and very thin substrates show a permanent deformation due to the upper wheel of the adaptive media path, which creates marks on media or vertical lines of blurriness. This case could be related to the type of textiles with very thin thickness + coating. Both types of media also present wrinkles at the laterals after backward movements and could create jams. We suggest the following: Verify if this fabric textile is porous or not If the media is porous, use the Ink Collector + OPP (Output Platten Protector) and attach the media to the TUR (mandatory also if it's not porous media) Recommended settings: Clone a Generic Textile Media Preset from FP. Create a PM with 16p 110%ink. Loading Workflow: Manual Loading + Loading accessory. Important for TUR attachment: attach first the center point and then the corners. Use the cloned Generic Textile Media Preset cloned before. Find optimum parameters (FT and BT) to print in direct to fabric. Set these settings depending on the textile used. Reduce the BT (Back Tension) to the minimum (6 N/m) to reduce the deformation and set the FT (Front Tension) to 12 N/m. This FT removes wrinkles and marks. For very stretchable substrates, you need to adjust the advance to fine compensate for the deformation of the fabric. In flags where the media is more rigid, use a BT of 10 N/m and maintain FT (Front Tension) to 12 N/m. This higher BT improves the advance control and doesn’t affect the wrinkles caused by the stiffness of the fabric. Set the TUR tension mode: Always Apply Tension. Print. I hope that these recommendations/settings can help with your issue. If these are not enough, I suggest contacting your support representative for advanced troubleshooting and assistance.

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