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Labels for Food packaging

#1 rachel_HisChurch 4 years ago

Particularly frozen food packaging. I am trying to find out if i can use my Latex 360 with a suitable high tack vinyl to print labels for frozen food packaging. We tried a basic monomeric sticker, and it did not stick. I have found high tack vinyls that go to -30 (Aslan / Avery) but I am not sure if they are food safe - or even if the latex printer itself is food safe? Can anyone help me here?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @rachel_HisChurch, Our ink is not recommended for food packaging, it can be used on the packaging that is not in contact with the food. Here are some examples: CAN BE PRINTED: beer cardboard covering the glass MUST NOT BE PRINTED: chips plastic bag I hope it helps.

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