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Odd pattern on Latex360 fabric print

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 --- 8 years ago

We are using the HP Latex360 to print fabric panels using UltraPoplin® Soft Image (simalra to displayTreviera) panels using We printed a run of 5 off 4m panels - the first 2 are Ok but the last three have the folling marks appearing on them in the bottom half of the panel, faint at first and then getting progressively worse Can anyone she danylight on what is causing it? Thanks Andrew Mills

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Andrew, I've checked your case with some media experts since I've never seen wrinkles like yours. They've told me that some times they've seen similar effects to yours on medias that have deformations on the media roll. In order to know if the media roll is OK you should touch and feel the whole roll and check that is completely round. If you notice some bulges on the roll, that will indicate that the media is deformed. I will like to ask you to check the media roll and come back with the result. Hope this helps.

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