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Perforate Vinyl Help

#1 scsantiagoch7420 4 years ago

Hello did someone knows what is the best settings to print Window Perf because I got problems withe media looks like the heat make some kind of waves on the paper and the print head scratch the paint, did someone has this problem before or know how to solve it, thanks!!!! I'm stock with a project

#2 scsantiagoch7420 4 years ago

Here is some pics

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#3 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#1 Hi scsantiagoch7420 First try finding proper substrate profile here: If you can't find proper profile and the substrate is for example not exactly certified for latex printing or just some material, try modifying current profile - raise vacuum to 60 or more (for example and lower it when printing if needed), print in 8 pass mode (10pass max) - for that material there is no need 16 pass printing. Lower temp but not too much to be cured (when printing solid black for example you'll need higher curing temp). Use tension rod for keeping straight substrate. At the beginning you can stick some adhesive vinyl stripes to the beginning of substrate to pull with hands and not losing printing surface... Cheers

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#4 scsantiagoch7420 4 years ago

#3 Thank You Very Much, I did some changes on temp and reduce to 8 pass mode and that work perfectly!!, Thank You

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