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Photo Tex / Aqueous or Solvent?

#1 Graphikal 9 years ago

For those with Photo Tex experience, can you tell me whether aqueous or solvent finish is preferred? Does one work better than the other? We ordered a roll for our new latex, and our vendor said aqueous is preferred. Looking at the price difference, I'm wondering if they mean THEY PREFER that we buy aqueous instead. Any helpful experience/advice appreciated! Thanks

#2 dypinc 9 years ago

I have always used solvent with the latex printers with good results. I had a roll of aqueous here that we used in an aqueous printer a few years back and it printed ok but a notices that if you wiped it with a damp clothe the coating would smudge. Not sure why the label the aqueous and latex together, it makes no scense to me and I could never get a answer to that. Just seems to me the solvent is a more durable finish.

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#3 Graphikal 9 years ago

I received information from the company this morning (spec sheet) and it states they recommend the aqueous version for printing wtih Latex for better scratch resistance and water resistance. So I'll take that information and run with it. Thanks for your response!

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#4 dypinc 9 years ago

Looks like I need to get some current aqueous in and do some testing.

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