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Weird pattern on transparent PVC adhesive

#1 Hippino 7 years ago

This transparent PVC adhesive is totally smooth, but when I print it I get those "cracks". What can I change? Tried all the bundled PVC profiles but no luck. More temperature? (dried at 116 C) More optimizer? Printer HP 335

#2 HP-ColorGuy 7 years ago

What is the media (manufacturer/ name of media)?

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#3 Hippino 7 years ago

It's transparent adhesive PVC from APA Spa Thickness: 75 micron Is not available on the media locator. With an eco solvent printer it gets printed perfectly with a generic vinyl profile

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#4 HP-ColorGuy 7 years ago

I am not familiar with that media product, It cannot hurt to try to clean an area of the media with Isopropyl Alcohol, mark the area that had been cleaned, and then print to see if perhaps there is some type of surface coating or plasticizer contamination which is interfering with the inks ability to to the media.

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