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Communication between WordPress Plugin and your HP WallArt account

#1 rodriguez.lopera7523 4 years ago

Good morning, I am integrating HP WallArt to my page with WordPress, and in the tutorial found at this link At the point "Communication between WordPress Plugin and your HP WallArt account ", says that for the plugin to work, three parameters have to be entered, as seen in the attached photo 1: WallArt User (e-mail account), WallArt password and HP WallArt base Url, and to find this Last parameter, the tutorial tells us that it is a URL Identifier, and that it is found in Settings> System configuration, as seen in the attached photo 2, but when entering my account, in Settings> System configuration, there is no the URL Identifier, as seen in the attached photo 3.

   photo 1.jpeg
   photo 2.jpeg
   photo 3.jpg
#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

#1 Hi @rodriguez.lopera7523, Can you please send me an email with your account details at this address: I also need the printer s/n to be able to investigate further. Another comment: I noticed that in your picture you are looking for the information under Settings/System Configuration, while this is actually displayed under Workflow Integration. Please check if you can find it.

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#3 rodriguez.lopera7523 4 years ago

Hi, I would like to know if there are recent tutorials on HP WallArt, since in the link (, the tutorials are from the year 2014. And the platform is no longer as seen in those tutorials, and for example, Fotalia no longer exists, didn't they replace it with Adobe Stock? Where can you have a wide and good quality image base such as Fotalia or Adobe Stock? It would be great to have new tutorials and new image banks. Thank you.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @rodriguez.lopera7523, I have checked and we do not have any new tutorials. Sorry, I can't help out more in this case.

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#5 laura7721 4 years ago

Hola, alguien sabe el peso máximo que se puede poner en la zona de impresión de la R2000, queremos imprimir uno vidrios de 2 metros por 1,80 metros y 8 mm de grosor y es para saber si tendremos algún problema a la hora de arrastrarlo por la cinta. Gracias

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#6 rodriguez.lopera7523 3 years ago

Hi Daniela, I have already solved the problem of "Communication between WordPress Plugin and your HP WallArt account", (You can find the link to check that my website is already integrated with WallArt see enclosed in blue in the image seen in photo 1). Then I can already enter WallArt from my website, and you can choose the model and design from my account, but for the step of reviewing and sending, and adding to the order, it sends me to the store of my website and not to the shopping cart. I think I need to implement the API's in the e-commerce site, as seen in photo 2, but I need a little help to fully understand its implementation that is documented in the HP WallArt External Link API tutorial.

   photo 1.PNG
   photo 2.PNG
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