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3" Spindle Adapter Replacements

#1 Sstef 4 years ago

We have Latex 310 54". All four spindle adapters have broken and are almost completely unusable. I have not been able to find replacements which seems very strange. Has anyone needed to replace their adapters and where did you get them?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Sstef, The adapters come with the spindle kit for the 54''. You can purchase it as an accessory or check if it is still covered by the warranty. In any case, I suggest contacting your support representative to investigate the best option to order it. As a side comment, the spindle hubs are very sensitive, take care not to support the spindle vertically on them.

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#3 Sstef 4 years ago

Hi Daniela, All we need are the adapters. Is the Spindle Kit sold on HP because I cannot find it on the site anywhere?

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Sstef, I managed to get the product number: F0M55A, HP Latex 54-in Printer 2-in Spindle. I can't advise you though on where to purchase it. I suggest getting in contact with support for that.

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