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800w Maintenance kit contents

#1 jburton10441 2 years ago

Machine is calling for maintenance kits 14 and 15. What are the contents of these kits please?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @jburton10441, Those kits are for cleaning the curing modules and for cleaning 1L ink connections. They contain the following items: 2X 10ml of DB2-68 Lubrican oil Replacement sponges Print head cleaning tool.

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#3 jburton10441 2 years ago

Wrong number Kit 18 , not 15 ty

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @jburton10441, PMK 18 is for replacing the rod oiler and the felts, the kit contains the rod oiler and the lubrication felts kit.

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