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Advance Factor settings not getting saved on Latex 310

#1 faridsk 4 years ago

I am trying to change the advance factor setting for my substrate (from advanced settings) and the new value does not save. What i noticed was I can enter a number in the box by clicking on the -ve and +ve buttons for advance factor and either I go back (since there is no save button on this screen) or if I scroll the down to the extent that the advance factor box goes out of the view and comeback to it, its value changes to the default 0. So essentially there is no way of saving the new value. see screenshots.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @faridsk, Please perform the next actions to fix the issue. Install the current Fw NEXUS_01_16_00.8 again. If you have another Fw Version please install the current version. Go to Media advance factor settings and try to enter and save. If the "save" is disabled, please enter the value_ go back_enter again on the media advance factor and save. The save option should already be enabled. I hope this helps.

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#3 info9256 2 years ago

#2 I am having the same problem with my latex 110. I do the advance calibration plot which determines I need to set my advance factor to -6. But it is not saving when I change it in advanced settings for my profile. I tried reinstalling the latest firmware., but no luck. I am having printing issues where I'm getting ghosting on horizontal lines. I have done all of the other calibrations and printhead alignments. Thanks.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @info9256, My suggestion is to contact your support representative. They can elevate the issue with the HP FW support team to investigate further. I hope it helps.

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