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Advancement issues

#1 vinyldizzign9365 3 years ago

Hello, I have an issue that I cant quite figure out. When I print something the substrate does not advance. The rollers do not move. However, I have unloaded and reloaded the substrate. I have rebooted the printer. I have calibrated the OMAS. The substrate is Certified. I have even printed on it before. When loading the substrate, the printers rollers work during calibration But, when I send a job, I have used multiple, the rollers sit still and the printer just prints over itself. No errors appear. I have tried cloning and disabling the OMAS. That did not work either. Hp latex 335 print and cut

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @vinyldizzign9365, Update the firmware to the latest version, and then try to move the media manually before printing past the curing zone and attach it to the TUR on front of the printer; retry the test with these conditions, and if the media still doesn't advance contact your support representative.

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#3 belkahia.rami9114352 a year ago

Hello, the technician recently changed the belt for HP latex 335 after the printer doesn't red the print head.

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