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Any tips to speed up WooCommerce store?

#1 alexpaul 6 years ago

I have already gone through these important factors to speed up a store. Choose a good hosting provider I have installed caching plugin I have disabled Inactive Plugins I have already Compressed Media Files Minify JavaScript and CSS Files But still, I am having site loading issues as I have also checked on The scores are not so good. My friend suggested me to change the hosting provider and go for this WooCommerce hosting. Anyone knows a good hosting provider or there is any way to increase my site loading speed without change hosting?

#2 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

I regret to inform you that as this issue is not related with HP WallArt Suite and we cannot provide you with an accurate solution. My suggestion in this particular case would be to contact your hosting provider.

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#3 MundoVinilos 6 years ago

Hi Alex, this is not a WooCommerce forum, but since I use wordpress+woocommerce, I'll try to give you some pointers. First of all, the size of the images is very importante, when we save an image from Illustrator, Photoshop or Corel, we use the option that say "Web" in JPG format and 72/96dpi, no larger than 800x800pixels. Second, avoid creating thumbails picture. This will load your FTP server with unnecessary files. Also, increase the cache size from your hosting admin panel. In addition, there are a few free plugins that can help you. Last but not least, check which service you are contracting in your hosting, maybe with a little upgrade you will get a few more GB of ram and processors. Hope this helps.

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