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Automatic Roll Selection

#1 tlarkin17506 11 months ago

I have 36" paper loaded in rolls 1 & 2 and 30" paper in rolls 3 & 4, but when roll 1 end it doesn't switch to roll 2. It was set to "print on same width only" and I have changed it to "print on same width or wider" selected. The customer has stated it is still not switching. I have looked in the user manual and it doesn't talk much about it. How exactly do I set the polices so their prints continue on the 36"paper? Should rolls 1 & 3 have the 36" paper loaded for this to switch?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 11 months ago

Hi @tlarkin17506, Which printer are you using?

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#3 tlarkin17506 11 months ago

PWXL 5200

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