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Banding Only in Beginning of Prints

#1 CCSI_Adam 4 years ago

Having a weird issue with my Latex 315 Printer. I'm having banding along the front or beginning of my prints and it only seems to be in dark colors. I've done all of the maintenance I can think of and nothing seems to help. The print heads seem to be aligned just fine, I've optimized, I've cleaned the platen, etc. All of my inks are up-to-date (not expired) and in good condition. I'm using the same material and profile I've been using for the last year. It only seems to happen on dark prints or dark areas of prints. I've done tests printing blocks of 100K, a rich black, 95K, 90K, some dark blues and browns and they're all affected. See attachments for photos of my test prints. Am I missing something obvious? It would seem like a nozzle clog would cause this but they look fine when I run tests. Thanks in advance.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @CCSI_Adam, I recommend to do the following: Clean the ph: Image-quality maintenance > Clean printhead Perform the nozzle health If the ph has not recovered, change the ph. In case the new ph is facing the same issue, contact service support.

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