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Blurred image/Color Powdery look

#1 copyshipresources5169 6 years ago

I have an HP Latex 360 and no matter what substrate I print on, the colors have a hazy, powdery finish to them. Is there an easy fix to this?

#2 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

Hello! I know is going to be challeging but can you take a picture of what you are experiencing on your artwork?

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#3 copyshipresources5169 6 years ago

#2 Here is one picture. I have more my shop I can send. It appears to be a bleed problem and the red colors have a yellow haze on the bleed.

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#4 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

#3 Looks like this could be a combination of printhead life, printhead alignment and media profile settings. So, I suggest you to: Check the printhead life and replace if needed. Make sure that the printheads are aligned and the media profile selected is the one for the media being used. Besides, recheck the RIP settings are correct (test rotating the image 90º). Lets us know if you have solved the issue!

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