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Blurry Prints

#1 steven.mcfadden9615 3 years ago

I am new to this Forum and i put up this message yesterday, someone had answered to my message, but i cant find my message or the answer now, they both seem to have disappeared! anyway i will post the message again in the hope that whoever answered sees it again! quite a lot of the time i go to print now i am getting a very blurry outcome, the pics attached should be a box with a black border with the word spacer too, i use this to test before i begin printing, as you can see by the attached images the line and text look as though they have been printed a few times over while the vinyl moves slightly with each pass creating the blurry box an text, if i tension the vinyl to a core and do the test print it comes out fine, other times it prints fine without tensioning the vinyl! Has anyone came across this before?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @steven.mcfadden9615, My recommendation would be to perform multiple calibrations to get the best image quality. There seems to be a media advance problem. To make sure it's better to do multiple calibrations to improve the IQ, calibrate the alignment, and the media advance. Hope this will fix the issue.

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#3 steven.mcfadden9615 3 years ago

#2 thanks you Daniela, i will try this out.

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