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I did a huge cut job and realized that for my contour cut, I accidentally put the distance as 0.125 instead of -0.125 -- so now there's a small white border around all the stickers I've made when it's supposed to cut into the black border! Is there any way I could fix the contour cut lines and update the job for the specific HP Barcode without having to print a whole job again? I do see the answer for "on-the-fly changes", but it's not exactly my question. Can changes be made on the fly while cutting on the HP Latex Print and Cut Solutions? On HP Latex Print and Cut Solutions, when pausing the unit, knife pressure and velocity can be changed. Please note that once the cutter is back online, a small buffer of movements may still use the original values before the new values are applied. Changing other parameters may result in aborting the job.