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Cheap paperbased adhesive for L360?

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 dan1942 10 years ago

Does anyone know of a cheap paper based adhesive backed material that will work with my L360?? Thanks!

#2 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi dan1942, HP has any adhesive paper, but it has some other adhesive medias that have been tersted for the HP Latex 360 Printer such as the HP Permanent Gloss Adhesive Vinyl and the HP Permanent Matte Adhesive Vinyl. I attach you both datasheets. But if you really need a paper, I will keep on looking for certified adhesive paper for the HP Latex 360 Printer from other brands. Can you please tell me where are you from, this will facilitate my search.

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#3 dan1942 10 years ago

Hi Marc, Yes it has to be a paper. I has to be able to be written on with a standard ball point ink pen by the customer after I print on and cut the material , any vinyl material is not very receptive to a pen. I am based in the US Thanks for your help!

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#4 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi Dan1942, I've asked the lab, and they told me that they haven't tested any self-adhesive paper. Nevertheless, they provide me a couple of medias that must work. Both are from a brand called Shil and are abailible in the US. In their website they say that both medias work with HP Latex Technologies. Here you have the links: 3685 - TriSolv PrimeArt Paper SA glossy 275 g/m2 3683 - TriSolv PrimeArt Paper blueback SA 210 g/m2 Hope this helps!

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#5 ProColorGraphix 10 years ago

Fibermark has one that works great!

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