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Chinese 54" Automatic Media Take Up Reel

#1 MapleStreetSignShop 4 years ago

I have a question about automatic take up reel motor systems. At the end of the print when the printer rewinds the substrate, will the take up reel allow the media to reverse? Do you need to watch it, and turn off the tension just before the end of the job? Also, does anyone have any experience with any brand take up reel systems they can share? Link to the one I am thinking of is here:

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @MapleStreetSignShop, As this is not an HP product, I suggest you contact the manufacturer.

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#3 MapleStreetSignShop 4 years ago

#2 I'm sorry, I thought this was a general knowledge sharing forum... and obviously you've never tried contacting a Chinese manufacturer before. Thanks for your assistance. Whatever.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @MapleStreetSignShop, Yes, you are right, it is a general forum, but I can only assist on HP related printers and topics. I am sure there are other users who could help out.

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#5 faridsk 4 years ago

#1 I bought one of this kind and it works great. I spent $175 and bought it on ebay. I was worried too that in the end the printer rewinds the substrate and will this be able to reverse easily or lock itself up but this works great. IYou can also adjust the tension on the take up reel and keep it at a medium range.

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