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Color Calibration Fail_L365_Textile

#1 kn80guidry 4 years ago

I'm attempting to color calibrate a canvas, the calibration target bleeds excessively in a specific area (please ref. photo) causing the scan to fail. I can send prints with no bleeding issues so I've determined there is no issue with ink limits or op levels. I've attempted creating a custom media profile under all category's and experienced the same issue. Additionally I do not experience issue when calibrating on my L560. From what I can tell this specific area of the color cal image does appear to be getting any Optimizer applied to it. Any feedback or instruction on how to correct this issue would be appreciated.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @kn80guidry, The first step would be to check if this bleeding issue only happens with black ink. If this is the case, check if the black ink is expired. On the other side, try increasing the Optimizer, Drying, and Passes. I hope this helps.

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#3 kn80guidry 4 years ago

#2 Hi Daniel, I can with complete certainty attest that the is no issue with the black ink. Let me also reiterate I can print with no bleeding issues, the bleeding is isolated to the black lines on the color calibration target which cause the target to fail when being scanned.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @kn80guidry, The CLC is not intended for textiles/backlits. Can you let me know if the same is happening when printing with vinyl or other media?

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#5 kn80guidry 4 years ago

For all textiles including canvas, that's odd, I can understand some fabrics and backlits, but I thought this was due to the limitation of the on board specto not because of bleeding occurring in one specific area on one specific calibration target. At this time I have only noticed the issue on several canvas substrates from multiple manufactures. I have not seen this issue on adhesive backed vinyl. I should add I've have no issue running the icc target on the L365, meaning it does not bleed and the target scans successfully. In addition I can color calibrate the canvas in question on the L335 and the L560 with no bleeding issues at all.

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#6 kn80guidry 3 years ago

Hello, It's been quite some time and no one has followed back up on this I'm continuing to experience this issue and have started see issue on the latex 560 as well.

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#7 victor.caoyan8462 3 years ago

I have the same issue when printing on canvas.

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