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Color changing after a few prints (Latex 260)

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 Simon_Mediatech 10 years ago

Hi, A customer is printing the file attach. After a couple of hours printing, the print getting really magenta or maybe it's the yellow prinheads that stop printing (see the picture of the print). The printheads are new. They had the same problem last month with a similar file. The common thing with the 2 files is the very light background with a skin tone in the middle. We tried to activate the gutters and the Extra cleaning and it didn't solved the problem. Media: Coveris (intelicoat) SBL7 Profil: SBL7 16 pass Any idea? Regards Simon

#2 digitalGuy 10 years ago

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark. I am guessing vacuum pressure or pressure within the ink line, maybe even pressure in the ink containers. Have you ever had any errors related to pressure within the machine. Seems like a ink starvation issue. Could have nothing to do with it. How old are your print heads, what millimeter Mark are they at? Jon

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