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color match problem

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 POSmarket 8 years ago

Hello WE are company from Kazakhstan, using printer HPlatex 360 and FlexiPrint RIP. Our problem is when we send tasks to print in TIFF or JPG colors change. In RIP color completely diffrent than in image view on the computer screen.

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi POSmarket, I've moved you post to this board because it makes more sense to be in here instead of inside "show us your Latex projects". I'll like to ask you some questions before doing any guessing: 1- Are you experiencing this color variation just with TIF and JPG files or you experience this variation with other image files? 2- Do you have color consistency between different prints or are you also experimenting color differences between prints? 3- which firmware version are you using? 4- Which version of the RIP (FlexiPrint) are you using? 5- Have you checked your monitor? If you are having this color variation with all your prints maybe is that your pc's monitor is not working properly.

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#3 POSmarket 8 years ago

1 If we print directly from ColorDraw or Photoshop there no any color variation. ut if we export images to TIFF, JPEG or PDF colors change completely in print priview and on printed material also 2 This problem we have only with HP latex, other printers are ok 3 We use last version of firmware 4 FlexiPrint version 11 sp6 5 We checked our monitors as well Thanks for your attention to our problem

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi POSmarket, Sorry for the time it took me to reply to you, but I had to discuss your case with some of Color Experts since they could do a better guess on you issue. They basically think that you issue could be due two main reasons, how the files are exported or due to how are the settings for the windows driver set. This are their recommendations: How the files are exported are there input icc profiles embedded? If not, what are the input spaces set and do they match the DJP in Flexiprint? How are the settings for the windows driver set. Using Install Desktop driver when adding a printer creates a ‘windows driver’, which is PPD based. Basically printing directly from Corel or PhotoShop this way just puts the job in the FlexiPRINT queue, just like you would add an exported job directly to the queue. There are settings in the Windows driver though – which are retrieved when creating the desktop driver. If settings are changed in the queue afterwards, clicking install desktop driver again refreshes those settings.

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#5 TG-Frank 8 years ago

In the editor (I assume you use HP Premium Edition), FlexiPRINT do not emulate printing colours by default (as Photoshop will do). You need to choose menu "View", Menu Entry "Softproof" to let Flexi simulate printing colors. Be shure to set the correct printer and output-profile too in the menu "edit - colour settings ...". When importing JPG or TIF directly to the production manager, be shure to embed the current workspace profile (or select it in the FlexiPRINT-Menus) used in Photoshop, CorelDraw or Illustrator.

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