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Color variation Hp L26500

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 FranciscoRojas 10 years ago

Ok, I was doing some test with phototex and my L26500, everything was going great until I start printing my second wallpaper on phototex. It was a wooden like wallpaper, gray wood. three tiles in total, the first one was perfect, gray wood... the second and third went .... well... PINK. What started like a gray wooden like wallpaper finish as a pink wooden like wallpaper. The wallpaper was for my kids bedroom (two girls) so I as still able to use it, but I dont know what the problem was! After the three tiles were printed, I reprinted the first one so I have three pink tiles, and used the gray one on a door. Why did that happened? After the print I clean the printheads but havent done any test yet. Some pictures of what happened.

   la foto.JPG
   la foto2.JPG
   la foto3.JPG
#2 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi Francisco, Sorry for the delay, but I've seen the post this morning. I think that is a problem of the C/LC pen. I will advise you to clean them (as you did), and if the problem continues, I will recommend you to replace it.

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#3 --- 8 years ago

Was there a final solution for this? I have a similar problem with our 260.

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