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colour changing

#1 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

Hi, I am having a colour problem on my Latex HP360, I am trying to print orange but it keeps fading out to a pink colour, i have changed all the printheads and the maintenance cartridge but the problem still persists, could it be a faulty colour sensor?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @steven.mcfadden9615, It seems that one of the printheads stop firing. It could be related to air in the system or any HW issue. I suggest contacting your support representative.

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#3 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

Thanks Daniela, i think i will need to do that.

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#4 Muralsprint20193 a year ago

#1 Hello Steven. I am facing the same issue with my HP Latex 365 for quite some time now. My printer will start printing the right colors then middle of print will fade off , from Vibrant color will go with nude pinkish colors. All of my printheads almost new , done over 20 test for the past 4 months i been experiencing this. It was happening a little bit in the beginning now it turned out worse were i can not print anything . I see you had the same issue as me. HP tech has no clue what could be the issue. Have you find the solution that fixed yours , and could help me out with a resolution? I will be greatly appreciate your help . Thank You so much, Tatiana

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#5 Muralsprint20193 a year ago

Hi Steven. I have contacted HP and they gave me a big list of parts i will have to change price over $2500. I have 2 printers and they all doing the same thing. I am so behind with work and this is so frustrating . If you found a resolution on yours would you please share it , before a throwing all this money to HP . Thank You so much!

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#6 idea2app a month ago

Thanks for the information.

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