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Complaint about the reseller

#1 jijesh7124 4 years ago

Hi, How do i make a compliant to HP if a reseller sold a 6 months used machine to a customer for new machine price?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

#1 Hi @jijesh7124, I am sorry to hear about this issue. In order to investigate this case further, can you please send an email at and provide additional details about the case: reseller and printer information, as well as any additional data that can help us look into it. Thank you!

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#3 jijesh7124 4 years ago

--- comment deleted ---

#4 jijesh7124 4 years ago

#2 Dear Daniela, Trust you find well in the mail. According to your reply on my complaint about my equipment enquiry Please see below attached purchase documents and printer Log file for more details. Awaiting your reply at the earliest.

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#5 jeff.bird7424 4 years ago

Please remove the invoice information ASAP the banking information has not been blanked out.

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#6 jijesh7124 4 years ago

#5 Hi Jeff i m not able to delete the invoice can you please advice how to do it?

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#7 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @jijesh7124, I have removed the attachments from your post, so no worries. In regards to the complaint, we sent your message to the appropriate department and my understanding is that you have reached an agreement with the reseller. I am glad that this has been solved.

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