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Contour Cut Latex 800w Sandwich Mode

#1 gravel.meghan9218 3 years ago

Wondering if anyone has figured out how to do Contour Cutting on a 3 or 5 layer Sandwich Mode file on HP 800W? From what I'm finding it is not possible? If it's not is anyone aware if it is something HP is working on providing?

#2 HP-NoellePeutat 3 years ago

#1 Hi, Each RIP has its own considerations. Please refer to this guide to know more about them. As this feature is handled by RIP we recommend you to log in a case if this feature is a must have for you. Thanks and have a good day

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#3 Digimike 3 years ago

#2 White paper states Print and cut not available in Caldera or Onyx for 5 Layer work SAI is less specific Is there any updates on this function as small label work requires print and cut critically

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