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Curing Temperature

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Tangerine 8 years ago

Is there a database where I can check what temperature to use for different substrates? What Temperature should be used when printing on Banner Satin? And Art Canvas?

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Tangerine, Let me try to answer your question. My recommendation in order to print any canvas or banner is to use the lowest temperature possible as long as the ink is completely cured. The curing process mainly depends on 4 different specs: - Material: each substrate is different and it can handle different temperatures. - Speed: The faster you print, higher has to be the temperature in order to cure the ink. - Ink quantity: The more ink you use, the more temperature you will need to cure the ink - Deformation: Some medias can suffer some deformation due to temperature. However, in the HP Media Solutions Locator you can find a wide selection of medias and certified profiles (temperature included). Based on those profiles here you have a quick list of temperatures for the media you were requesting: Banners 6pass. 80% ink limit: 100-105C Banners 8pass. 100% ink limit: 105-110C Banners 10pass. 100-110% ink limit: 105-110C Canvas 8pass. 100% ink limit: 110-116C Canvas 10pass. 100-110% ink limit: 110-116C Hope this helps.

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