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Double Sided Print Issue

#1 FPLSIGNS 4 years ago

Hi, I was trying out double sided printing which went well, but after I switched back to single side print the printer ( HP 570 ) and software ( ONYX Thrive ) seems to be stuck on double sided printing settings even though when loading a substrate I have switched double sided printing to off and checked my settings on Thrive RIP. Any ideas on how to stop it from doing this ? Cheers Dave

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @FPLSIGNS, It looks like you might still have the double-side printing option activated. To disable in Onyx RIP: Go to Job Editor > Print > Print Setup... > Edit Printer Settings > Double-sided Printing Off You can find a screenshot attached. I hope this helps.

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#3 FPLSIGNS 4 years ago

Thank you Daniela

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