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Double sided printing on R2000

#1 jeremy.hildebrand 3 years ago

I'm printing on painted double-sided 3/8" mdf that is 49"x97". I've tried following what HP recommends to do, but my prints still come out not being lined up. I'm using Onyx as my rip. I have tried sending both sides as individual jobs, and just rotating the second side. I have tried sending it through Onyx layout software as well. I have tried left justifying side 1, and right justifying side 2. I have also tried center/center justified with clicking "full bleed" on the printer. Still nothing. SUGGESTIONS??

#2 Gaston Gomez 3 years ago

Good afternoon, check that the margins of the files in the RIP are equal, the ideal would be that they are all at 0 and manage them from the IPS of the printer, full bled is necessary if the image goes from board to edge if not selected. Try printing centered on the horizontal and at the top of the input margin

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#3 surendradhote448432 3 years ago

I am facing the same issue. Hope to have an answer here soon. Thanks, Surendra Dhote

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#4 neil.mcnamara8439 3 years ago

Make sure the substrate is perfectly square. Measure corner to corner on each diagonal to confirm.

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#5 HP-daniel.donnelly5413 3 years ago

Hello jeremy.hildebrand, Can you reply with measurements and a description of how and where the print is off? Can the mdf be seen by the optical sensor for auto loading, or is the loading process manual?

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