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Edge of print is a different color than the rest of the image

#1 Muzeo_Leno 4 years ago

I've been printing ona wallpaper material for quite some time. Just recently I noticed that the left edge of the prints is a different hue of color than the rest of the image (in this case more magenta.) The image is black and white so it is very noticeable. I've uploaded an image for reference. As you can see, the area circled is more magenta hue. I've done repeated cleanings and the drop detected for each print head came out normal. What am I missing?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Muzeo_Leno, From what I can see from the images, there seems to be an issue with the color management procedure. Please follow the steps explained on pages 107-108 of the HP Latex 500 User's Guide. I hope it helps.

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#3 paulelw 4 years ago

#1 said Muzeo_Leno You may need to adjust the interpass delay which helps keep printhead in check during the ends of each pass. Any extra amount does help. If possible print with colour bars left and right to keep printheads fully firing between passes. Check your printheads in case any are failing and causing any issues - they might be close to their end-of-life. I trust this helps you and feel free to post your results with images if any improvement or otherwise.

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