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End of Media Problem

#1 CDM Christian 4 years ago

Hello I am wondering what the best practice is when printing to the end of a roll. The end of roll substrate is often glued to the core and causes the printer to jam or cancel during prints. This often leaves 24"-36" of unused media. Sometimes there is a notification that the print consistency may be effected and it continues, but most of the time the print process comes to a halt. Any advice on running as much media as possible without damaging the printer? Thanks

#2 FPLSIGNS 4 years ago

Hi, I have the same issue, if I happen to be by the printer when this happens I will cut it from the core while its still printing to maximize media usage, but saying that what I normally do when I load the substrate is manual input the total length of the subatrate then on the RIP software I use that measurement to set as close as I can and deduct the same amount it took to load the substrate. Also I try and find ways to re-use the end of roll material, I.E flatbed printing, take up roll on the laminator, sample materials. Hope this helps.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @CDM Christian, When the printer is losing the back tension, it notifies you that it needs s proper back tension to get an accurate IQ. On the other hand, if the printer detects that the media can not advance for any reason, as glue in the core, the printer will stop for safety reasons. This waste media could affect IQ.

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