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Error 79:04 on L360

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 Renz 9 years ago

I always get error 79:04 when I print certain image on matte adhesive media. But when I change to another image, there's no error. It's very strange. What is actually problem with the printer? Thx, Renz

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Renz, I'll need some extra information in order to try to understand better your issue. Mould you please provide me the following information: RIP version and driver Firmware version Image triggering the 79:04 (you can send us this picture via private message) Clarify the source of the image. Unknown, Photoshop, Illustrator, hp wallart… Media Preset and printmode selected Any special setting worth to mention?

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#3 Renz 9 years ago

Hi, Sorry for late reply, for this error I found problem on LAN connection. The connector slightly loose, fix it and its OK now. But why this error only related to certain image, still have no idea. Thanks,

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#4 sineidos6800 5 years ago

hello i have the same erro but the lan conector was right and every thing seems to be right . i actually work whit caldera visual rip 10.2 and the latest firmware. sorry for mi english

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#5 sineidos6800 5 years ago

#5 apears when we try to print something, it happens whith vinil, cambas, paper anda sometimes the printer reebot whiout reasons

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