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error code 79.2:04 on my hp latex 115

#1 freshsigns5025 4 years ago

has anyone had the same error code appear? if so how did you go about fixing this its only started happening since i downloaded the new update any help will be appreciated cheers

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @freshsigns5025, Turn the power off and disconnect both power cords. Reconnect the power cords and turn on the printer. Check that the printer has the latest firmware version. If this is not the case, update it to the latest version following page 135 of the User manual "Firmware update". If the problems persists, please contact HP support.

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#3 peter.snape7883 4 years ago

#2 Just experienced the same issue on sending a job tp print, tried ones that have already printed but still get the same error message when sending to print. Firmware is latest version, Windows 10 has updated and am using latest versions of SAI Flexi

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @peter.snape7883, If the previous recommendations do not solve the issue, I suggest contacting HP support.

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#5 peter.snape7883 4 years ago

So I rolled back the firmware to the previous version and all is good. Now that I have finished the jobs waiting to be printed I will have a go at updating back to the latest version.

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#6 info11268 2 years ago

#5 how did you rollback the firmware update

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