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Errors with Hp Wallart.

#1 krimat 5 years ago

Hello, Im getting a error saying this: There was an error processing your HP Applications Center order number #405225 (name kevinn 22). This error may due to an internal problem of the system, or due to some images that were used. You can find this order within the errored orders section in your dashboard page when you login into HP Applications Center. From there you can reprocess it or change the images. We apologize for any inconvenience and we hope you can fix this issue quickly! I have tested with different pictures and even with other HP backgrounds, and also tested with different wall sizes...but it all comes out in same error...o I guess there are something on the HP side... ? please feedback!

#2 Printoteka 5 years ago

Same problem here. Getting error messages when I try to print wallcoverings. Tried different images/wall sizes/resolutions/file formats/all of the available application settings. However my Posters app is working as it should. So I guess the problem is with the Wallcoverings application. Maybe it has something to do with the recent update, idk. HP please respond!

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