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false substrate jam error

#1 lance.lund 5 years ago

Hi i have a 560 and have started to get false substrate jam error over and over when there is no jam. Prints will run fine until 2/3 of the roll is gone and then it will error out. Any idea of what to do to fix this would be appreciated.

#2 kelvin.ng5186 5 years ago

#1 hi, can you provide the error code? you also can try clean and lubricate the carriage rod and clean the encoder strip.

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#3 lance.lund 5 years ago

kelvin, thank you I will try that. the error code is 81.1:01

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#4 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

This is more related to the substrate path. As it's not a permanent error we cannot diagnose the root cause since a Support tech verifies the scenario. We can recommend keeping all the scan-axis free of dust/rests of paper. I hope this information helps

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#5 kyle7180 4 years ago

Our printer is now giving us this issue as well. It started doing it after about 3' then the last 3 times its been giving me the "jam error" in increasingly shorter increments...

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#6 kelvin.ng5186 4 years ago

#1 Hi, you can try clean and lubricate the carriage rod, and also clean the encoder strip.if the error still then you should log a case to HP or the reseller.

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#7 kyle7180 4 years ago

Thanks, I have already done both (after reading this thread). I'm going to try one thing now to see if there was some sort of glitch and that's restarting with the window open to release the pinch rollers, because I noticed that when I would lift the window they would not release (like I believe they are suppsed to). If that doesn't fix the issue then I will be giving HP a call...hopefully they can still help during this time... and if it does fix the problem I will post on here to hopefully help any one else with this issue.

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#8 kyle7180 4 years ago

I believe I found the issue in regards to our printer. We only started to notice this when printing banners and near the last 20-30' of the roll. In our situation it appears that the media profile had the "Input Tension" maxed out so that near the end of the roll it was so light and close to the core it gave the appearance that it pulled/got stuck on the core (like where its taped/glued on). Once I dropped the Input Tension it has not had any problems finishing this print. So for any one who is having this issue (especially on one substrate or near the end of rolls) double check that the Input Tension is not abnormally high. Hope this helps

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#9 Stunnie22 2 years ago

#1 I have the same issue with our HP570. Everytime i try to load a new roll into the printer it gives the error ''substrate jam 81.1:01''. I have already lubricated the carrage rod but it seems not to work. Can someone help me out.

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#10 ahmedahmed6156549 2 years ago

we should all get together and sue hp for this error, its taking up our material and wasting, i paid $2400 for the warranty for one year and i called so many times to have the issue fixed with no solution i want to set my printer on fire and tell the whole world how horrible it is!

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#11 ahmedahmed6156549 2 years ago

ive tried this and does not work! i am really mad and angry this keeps happening buying this printer was the worst decision ive ever made!

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#12 myhdfslive14566 a year ago

I think I figured out what was wrong with our printer.Solutin is given below When printing banners, we didn't discover this until the last 20-30 feet of the roll. It appears that the "Input Tension" setting in the media profile was at its highest, which led to the circumstance where the film appeared to pull away from the core and became trapped there. After reducing the Input Tension, the print job progressed without a hitch.. whether this is happening to you, check to see whether the Input Tension is unnaturally high (particularly if it's just happening on one substrate or at the roll's end). Have a good day

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#13 receiptify.one15325 a year ago

The problem with our printer may have been solved, I think.Here is the answer: We didn't see this until the last twenty or thirty feet of the roll when printing banners. It seems the "Input Tension" parameter in the media profile had been turned all the way up, which is what caused the film to seem to move away from its centre and then get stuck there. The print work continued without a hitch after the Input Tension was lowered. Check the Input Tension to determine if it is abnormally high (especially if it is only occuring on one substrate or at the conclusion of the roll). Happy day to you!

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#14 Otherwi18453 a year ago

The problem with our printer may have been solved. Happy day to you!

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