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Feature request for MEDIA TRACKING on all latex 3xx, 5xx

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 SasoSan 7 years ago

Dear HP development team I think that feature from HP DesignJet Z6800 would be more than welcome to be introduced also on all latex printers. On Z6800 there is an option to not only track media length but also automatic media recognition upon media loading. Time pressure is more and more going on and manually tracking media length and loading proper media profile are time-consuming. When I speak with many latex users here they wish product improvement that this is done automatically. As now they don't have time for this and they stuck with many rolls's for which they don't know how many meters are left on it or which media it is as not every media is printed on back paper. Z6800 has this feature and it's working great. I'm attaching a screenshot from user guide where you can see immediately what I'm writing about. I and several other users would like to have this options of automatic tracking. I hope this could be released with some new firmware for latex which has an in-line sensor. I hope this could be implemented in near future. Best regards Sasha

#2 AdaptiveTextile 7 years ago

I'd even be happy if the Media Profile remembered the amount left on the roll... put the total number of yards/feet in once, and it counts down for you. It would at least be an EASY program to write, and load into the next update. For example: I have a different Media profile set up for every substrate we print on. When I load the substrate, the amount on the roll must be entered manually every time (it also only accepts even numbers for some strange reason). Then, when I'm done printing, I unload the media and write down the tiny number on the screen for the amount left. Hopefully, I dont misplace the note stating how much is left on the roll, or all is lost! If the Media Profile just automatically remembered how much was left on that subtrate when I unloaded the media, that would be fantastic! "Oh, you're loading the CPG-7100... from the last time it was used, you have 253.7 feet left" "now you're loading the generic pvc banner, This substrate has 5 feet left" "This substrate was last loaded 2/17/17 1:45:23 PM" I'd like to see something like that^^

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