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Firmware Update Latex 110 (September 2021) - Difficult to find!!!

#1 randy370 3 years ago

I received an email this morning from HP Latex Knowledge Centre, however the link in the attached PDF does not work. In addition the printer and the EWS does not see the last update? With some fumbling around I did manage to find a firmware update (October 6th, 2021) via HP My Device webpage. It shouldn't be this difficult to find updates.

#2 randy370 3 years ago

Installed the update to my printer and it did indeed fix the Connectivity Wizard issue and links to HP Media Library, also fixed the date issue for 2021+. Not sure what the other 'bug' fixes are but fingers crossed for my next sets of jobs to run smoothly. Thanks HP.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @randy370, Apologies for the link, we have corrected it and included it in the article also. Thanks for highlighting it. In regards to finding the FW in the automatic firmware upgrade (either via EWS or the printer), this was fixed and will be visible in the next few hours. As it concerns the other bug fixes, these are changes in the printer's communication protocols, which do not have an impact on the functionality of the printer.

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#4 randy370 3 years ago

Okay this is perfect and will help anybody else with an older machine get updated to the latest firmware version. Thanks Daniela. I printed one larger job so far on adhesive vinyl and it ran smoothly other than we have some issues with media 'puckering' or 'creasing' but I'll make more notes and post that as a separate and new post.

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