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Fotolia Setup - No Credit - No API key

#1 rMuD 7 years ago

When setting up the Fotolia Account, you get a error saying the Promo code is invalid. You do not get the $100 credit. Also the agreement link on the setup page is invalid (404) Fotolia Supprt says they do not know anything about HP WallArt or a credit. When going to the API page to get the API key, It says I "Your account must be validated before you can apply for an API key"

#2 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @rMuD In order to have a better understanding of your request could it be possible to know what Promo code are you referring to? Besides, please check the Fotolia API Terms of Use at the following URL: I regret to inform you that the validation of your Fotolia account is something out of our control and should be managed by Fotolia team, in order to have a better understanding of your account situation please contact directly with Fotolia´s Support department. I also would like to suggest you to provide Fotolia’s bank imagery through your Designer just by entering your Fotolia account while Fotolia’s Support department replies on your case.

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#3 rMuD 7 years ago

The process to register seems broken. Links on HP Wall Art are no longer valid as well. Your team may need to visit the process and repair it. I do not understand what you mean "provide Fotolia’s bank imagery" HP-Sonia wrote: Hello @rMuD In order to have a better understanding of your request could it be possible to know what Promo code are you referring to? Besides, please check the Fotolia API Terms of Use at the following URL: I regret to inform you that the validation of your Fotolia account is something out of our control and should be managed by Fotolia team, in order to have a better understanding of your account situation please contact directly with Fotolia´s Support department. I also would like to suggest you to provide Fotolia’s bank imagery through your Designer just by entering your Fotolia account while Fotolia’s Support department replies on your case.

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#4 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @rMuD I would like to inform you that I was able without any problem to register a new fotolia account through our HP Applications Center account, if you are still having problems to register a fotolia account my best suggestion would be to contact directly fotolia support team. On the other hand I would like to mention that we will revise the links you commented as soon as possible in order to repair broken links. Regarding “Fotolia´s bank imagery” I mean Fotolia as content provider. If you request fotolia API key in order to provide fotolia images to your end users you should also be able to offer fotolia content through the designer just by logging into your fotolia account through your HP Applications account > content section > fotolia settings.

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